영문교정, 영어교정,논문교정,영어논문교정,영어논문교정

제어장치 공학 (Control System Engineering)

아래의 원고 샘플을 통해 프리미엄과 수퍼 프리미엄의 교정범위를 비교해 보십시오. 우측 링크에서 교정원고 이외 논문평가카드, 교정 증명서, 커버레터의 샘플도 다운로드 하실 수 있습니다.

  • 원고

    교정 후 원고


    [Explanation1]: Attention to detail:
    The revision has been made for style consistency.

    [Explanation2]: Word choice:
    Choosing the right word to convey meaning eases readability and understanding. “Cater” is a more appropriate word in this context.

    [Explanation3]: Typographical error:
    The spelling error has been corrected here.

    [Explanation4]: Style:
    In academic writing, when the value is expressed in numerals, the abbreviation of the corresponding unit should be used.

    [Explanation5]: Language:
    Matching and clearly stating what qualities or entities are being compared makes your content reader-friendly. Here “providing” has been changed to “provide” to make the verb parallel with “achieve.”

    [Explanation6]: Attention to detail:
    “RF” has been uppercased for consistency.

    [Explanation7]: Grammar:
    “A” has been added because “radio link” is a singular, countable noun.

    [Explanation8]: Grammar:
    The plural verb “are” is used as it agrees with the plural noun “antennas.”

    [Explanation9]: Word Choice:
    A better, more concise word choice has been added here.

    [Explanation10]: Grammar:
    Note that “data” is the plural form of the noun “datum.” Hence, we have revised the pronoun to “these.”

    [Explanation11]: Style:
    In American English, the nonrestrictive clause is mostly introduced with the relative pronoun “that.”

    [Explanation12]: Grammar:
    The adverb has been appropriately placed for fluent readability.

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