A Crash Course on Biostatistics | Part II

세미나 소개

Further explaining the important phenomena in Biostatistics, this FREE webinar will help researchers increase their awareness about the following:

  • Types of clinical study designs
  • Hypothesis testing and its types
  • The P-value approach
  • Types of errors
  • Effect size
  • Sample size

In case of any queries, please feel free to check our webinar FAQs page or email us at academy@enago.com.


  • Graduate students
  • Early-stage researchers

강연자 소개

Prof. Traci Marin, Ph.D.
  • Prof. Traci Marin is a published author and has worked for more than a decade in the dynamic fields of bioinformatics, biostatistics and molecular biology research.
  • Prof. Marin has worked as an academic, researcher as well as a doctoral programs director at several renowned universities.
  • She pursued her Ph.D. and MSc degrees in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the prestigious University of California. She also holds a Masters degree in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Loma Linda University.
  • She is also a recipient of several awards such as Young Investigator Award (Loma Linda University), Magna Cum Laude (University of California) and President’s Award (Loma Linda University).

지금 무료로 신청하세요!

강연자 소개

Prof. Traci Marin

Accomplished Biomedical Researcher and Professor with 15+ years of Teaching Experience in the field of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology


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  • 500개 이상의 출판뉴스
  • 50개 이상 웹세미나
  • 10개 이상 전문가 진행 팟캐스트
  • 10개 이상 이북
  • 10개 이상 체크리스트
  • 50개 이상 인포그래픽
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