Guide to Publishing in Top-Tier Medical Journals

세미나 소개

Theory-practice-theory as advised by Georges Bordage, should be followed by every researcher to ensure the translation of research outcomes into practical implementation benefiting mankind. In medicine especially, it is of utmost importance for clinicians to publish their research concisely for fellow researchers to apply the latest clinical practices and provide up-to-date treatment to their patients. This webinar will aim to facilitate the learning process of clinicians who wish to publish in international medical journals.

After this session, attendees will learn:

  • How to start writing—Tips for drafting manuscripts
  • Recommendations by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
  • Preparing and evaluating case reports
  • Medical, Publication, and Research Ethics
  • Selecting the Right Journal

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  • Medicine students
  • Postdoctoral researchers
  • Established researchers
  • Research professors
  • Medical journals and publishers

강연자 소개

Dr. Despina Sanoudou, Ph.d., FACMG
  • Dr. Sanoudou is an award-winning medical researcher with 80+ publications in renowned medical/biomedical journals including PubMed.
  • The impact of her work is demonstrated by the 3,700+ citations that she has to her credit. Dr. Sanoudou is also the recipient of more than 20 research grants.
  • She has worked as a coordinator for an international genomics/pharmacogenomics program and as a fellow with Genzyme and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She was also a post-doctoral fellow as well as an instructor at Harvard Medical School.
  • Till date, Dr. Sanoudou has attended 188 national and international conferences as an invited speaker, served as a peer reviewer for 41 international journals, and chaired several seminars.

지금 무료로 신청하세요!

강연자 소개

Dr. Despina Sanoudou

An Award-winning medical researcher with 80+ publications and extensive experience as an editor, grant reviewer, and peer reviewer of high-ranking journals


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