How to Master the Art of Publishing in Social Sciences and Humanities

세미나 소개

Enago is proud to introduce an insightful webinar for researchers from Seoul National University to help them enhance the impact of their research studies in international academia. In this session, we will discuss key publishing aspects and effective strategies for successful publications in Social Sciences and Humanities disciplines. We will discuss the peer review, submission requirements, cover letter essentials, and finally share insights on manuscript decisions along with commonly cited reasons for acceptance and rejection.

Key Points

  • How to get started with your research study?
  • How to choose the right journal?
  • An overview of the publication cycle and the peer review process
  • How peer-review in HSS is different from STEM?
  • Open access publishing in Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Manuscript submission process
  • Insights into manuscript decisions


  • Graduate students
  • Early-stage researchers

강연자 소개

Prof. Michael Prieler, Ph.D.

  • Prieler is currently a tenured professor in the Media School at Hallym University, South Korea. He has also worked as a visiting professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and at City University of Hong Kong and as an adjunct professor at Temple University, Japan Campus.
  • Prieler was named Distinguished Professor for his research excellence in 2018 and received the Best Teacher Award in 2019 for his teaching.
  • His research focuses on media and communication, especially on advertising, health communication, and diversity in the media.
  • He has published numerous articles in renowned journals in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and coauthored the book Advertising in the Aging Society (Palgrave MacMillan, 2016).
  • He has served as a reviewer for more than 50 journals and as an associate editor and editorial board member at several journals, including the Journal of Advertising, which is currently ranked first in communication by Journal Citation Reports.


강연자 소개

Prof. Michael Prieler, Ph.D.


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