세미나 소개
Enago in collaboration with Management Center Innsbruck conducted a combined session to guide researchers at different career-stages and help them achieve their publication goals.
In the first session, we touched on the basics of effective manuscript writing and error-free submission leading to successful publication. Competent research skills and publications in high-impact journals are equally important for a flourishing academic career. Manuscripts are not only evaluated for the originality of the study and the key findings but also on the grounds of structure, data presentation, and readability. Unfortunately, many papers do not even reach as far as the review process and fall prey to desk-rejection by the journal editors itself due to non-compliance to internationally accepted language requirements. This session is primarily targeted towards researchers who wish to submit their papers to top-notch international journals but face difficulty due to lack of knowledge.
Through this session, researchers will have an improved understanding of the following:
- Overview of the academic publishing processes
- Standard structure of an academic paper (IMRAD format)
- Importance of literature review and structuring of the reference list
- Preparing the manuscript for publication and journal selection
- Manuscript submission and the peer review process
Our second session focused on discussing the research methodologies in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. Both of these fields employ qualitative and quantitative methods to draw meaningful conclusions. In this session, we discussed the popular research methodologies types which will help researchers navigate their way through their research journey.
Through this session, researchers will have more information about the following:
- Introduction to research methods
- Types of research methods
- Qualitative vs quantitative research methods
- Digital Humanities
- Graduate students
- Early-stage Researchers
- Doctoral students
- Postdoctoral students
- Established researchers
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- 500개 이상의 출판뉴스
- 50개 이상 웹세미나
- 10개 이상 전문가 진행 팟캐스트
- 10개 이상 이북
- 10개 이상 체크리스트
- 50개 이상 인포그래픽