Open Science: Accountability, Integrity, and Reproducibility in Scholarly Research

세미나 소개

In this increasingly complex and interconnected global scientific ecosystem, Open Science aims to make knowledge transparent and accessible using digital technologies, collaborative networks, and tools. Researchers need to apply the principles of openness to all the stages of their research cycle as a step forward towards Open Science to increase openness, integrity, collaboration, and reproducibility in scholarly research.  This webinar will give a detailed overview of the concept of Open Science and its fundamental aspects like Open Access, Open Data, etc. It will also highlight how researchers can contribute to Open Science by sharing all their research outputs, resources, methods, or tools openly.

After this webinar, you will have a better understanding of the following:

  • Overview and importance of Open Science
  • Awareness regarding Open Access publishing
  • The significance of Open Data sharing
  • Understanding the importance of self-archiving in Open Repositories
  • Insights into Open Peer Review and Open Licensing
  • Summary of Open Source and Open Education Resources

In case of any queries, please feel free to check our webinar FAQs page or email us at


  • Graduate students
  • Postdoctoral Researchers
  • Established Researchers
  • Professors
  • University administrators
  • Journals and Publishers

강연자 소개

Dr. Fiona Murphy
  • Murphy is an independent Open Science and publishing consultant with more than 20 years of experience in scientific and scholarly publishing.
  • After completing a DPhil in English Literature (University of Oxford), Dr. Murphy has collaborated with several reputed publishers like Oxford University Press, Bloomsbury Academic, and Earth and Environmental Sciences at Wiley.
  • She is currently a board member of the data repository, Dryad and an Editorial Board Member of the Data Science Journal.
  • Along with holding an Associate Fellowship at the University of Reading, she is also a member of Peer Review board of Research Data in the Earth Sciences, Data2Paper, and Belmont Forum, and a co-Chair of WDS-RDA Publishing Data Workflows Working Group and Force11 Scholarly Commons Working Group.
  • Dr. Murphy has written and presented widely on data publishing, Open Data, and Open Science.

지금 무료로 신청하세요!

강연자 소개

Dr. Fiona Murphy

Owner of Murphy Mitchell Consulting Ltd. and an Open Science and scholarly communication expert with more than 20 years of experience in scientific and scholarly publishing


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  • 500개 이상의 출판뉴스
  • 50개 이상 웹세미나
  • 10개 이상 전문가 진행 팟캐스트
  • 10개 이상 이북
  • 10개 이상 체크리스트
  • 50개 이상 인포그래픽
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