Writing Better Is Now Easier Than Ever: Edit With Trinka AI

세미나 소개

We are hosting a series of webinars to demonstrate how Trinka AI will assist authors and researchers in writing academic and technical papers more effectively.

  • This webinar will focus on increasing the understanding of authors about two popular and most frequently used features of Trinka for editing and reviewing—Cloud Editor and Auto File Edit.
  • We will share important tips on how researchers can make the most of these features based on their writing style and needs.

Further, we will help authors understand the differences between the two for apt usage:

  • Why Trinka is the right writing assistant for academic writing

Academic writing is nuanced and other currently available tools do not consider these nuances. Trinka is tailor made for academic and formal writing and offers the right assistance for this genre of writing.

  • Using the Trinka Cloud Editor for effective writing

Trinka’s Cloud Editor offers the convenience of real-time writing assistance, with improvements tailored to academic and formal writing. Trinka Cloud makes writing and reviewing easy and fun.

  • Using the Auto File Edit feature to edit a paper in just few clicks

Auto File Edit lets you take advantage of our powerful AI to edit your document in a couple of clicks. It applies all required changes at once with tracked changes so you save time and are always in control of the changes.


  • Peer reviewers
  • Established researchers
  • Journals
  • Publishers

강연자 소개

Trinka Team

With the aim to educate users on how Trinka can transform academic writing, Trinka's product experts with extensive experience in the field of academia and AI will walk you through the best practices and use cases to get the most out of Trinka!

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강연자 소개

Trinka Team

Trinka Team


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무료로 보실 수 있는 기사 횟수에 제한이 있습니다. 구독하시면 논문작성
및 저널 출판에 관한 다양한 자료를 횟수제한 없이 이용하실수 있습니다.

  • 500개 이상의 출판뉴스
  • 50개 이상 웹세미나
  • 10개 이상 전문가 진행 팟캐스트
  • 10개 이상 이북
  • 10개 이상 체크리스트
  • 50개 이상 인포그래픽
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